The maintenance and repairing of township roads, shoulders and drainage ditches.
Installation and maintenance of storm drain systems throughout the township and villages with which the Road District has agreements.
Mowing of all township right-of-ways where necessary.
Maintain, repair, replace as well as inventory thousands of warning, informational and regulatory signs within the township and villages.
Maintain street lighting at major intersections.
Maintain, trim and remove trees and branches interfering with safe vehicle operation and the emergency removal of them during inclement weather.
Have regulatory authority and issue permits for the installation of driveways, culverts, utility installations and overweight vehicles.
Provide complete snow and ice operations on over 170 miles of township and village roads, operate an emergency operations center and service first responders during weather or related emergencies.
Provide for recycling of numerous products, provide mulch and firewood as a free service to the residents of the township and villages with which the township has agreements.
Sweep up loose gravel and debris on township roads, as well as the removal of dead animals.